It’s Time to Unite and Defend!

5 to 10 years old . . . innocent children . . . and the loving adults who were the guardians and teachers . . . killed. “To Protect and Serve” is the dream of our police. A lot of good hearts join various police forces to make a difference. They try hard at their…

Take That Last Step

People commonly fail when they are on the threshold of success. So, nurture the end as carefully as the beginning. …… Another excerpt from the book Seeds of a Hermit (by Don Baird). The key is to always participate in your life to the fullest. It isn’t about talking; it’s about action. It isn’t about…

Three Thoughts

Do not allow your mind to interfere with your actions. Do not allow your emotions to interfere with your mind. Do not allow your ego to interfere with your Soul. While I teach and have written about these concepts for many years, I believe it will be a lifetime before I can fully benefit from…


Watch this movie! It applies to all of life in so many ways – countless! Jiro Dreams of Sushi

Feed the Dog; Let Out the Cat

The link to the book: Feed the Dog; Let Out the Cat

Seeds of a Hermit

A link to the online published version. Seeds of a Hermit


“The function of your creative force will never be better than the basics that support it.” ~ pgmb

Exercising With Cancer – Staying Safe While Staying Fit

Welcome to our guest article by David Haas. We enjoy having guest authors from time to time; David has offered this wonderful article encouraging cancer patients to exercise (as best they can under Doctor’s guidance). Please note: obtain your Doctor’s guidance and approval before engaging in any exercise. It’s the smart thing to do. Once…

Grandmaster Young Ik Suh

To this day, I admire, respect and follow the ways of Grandmaster Suh. He taught me a Way; he guided me into a career that’s meant a great deal to me and thousands of others. He punched me when he should have; he put a black belt on me and sent me on my way…

Two Titles To Read