
Watch this movie! It applies to all of life in so many ways – countless!

Jiro Dreams of Sushi

2 Responses to Jiro
  1. Dee
    August 27, 2012 | 6:35 pm

    This movie is about mastery in all that you do. Even if you don’t know how to do it yet, that is why you do it over and over again, each day. And each day better than the day before. It’s a process with the destination ironically disguised as the journey. If I had decided to cross Kung Fu off my “to do” list, I would never have started my climb to the top of the mountain. For it was on my journey to the top that I decided to accentuate my Kung Fu with other arts and skills… other masteries that I work on each day. Whether it is sushi or painting or metal smithing or counting…. whatever it is, you must love what you do. You must fall in love with what you do. Kung Fu is the key to open the doors, to see the paths, the put your foot solid on the ground and soar in the sky.

  2. Grandmaster Baird
    November 15, 2012 | 10:35 am

    I’m happy you both enjoyed the movie! The man is a master of his life, no question about it. A very inspiring story of an extremely inspiring family!