Tag Archive: burbank martial arts

Trying Too Hard

Instead of trying too hard, overworking and adding to your frustration list, slow things down. Take a deep breath and relax. Wake up each day and make your classes. Listen to the instructors: participate and enjoy yourself. There is nowhere to go and all the time to get there (my common and long standing mantra)….


One of my favorite mantras — returning to it over and over: “Instead of making excuses on why you cannot do something, make excuses on how you CAN do it! Become a CAN person instead of a CANNOT person.” Your world shrinks with “I cannot. It expands with “I can.” Which kind of world do…

Training Tips

When training, keep in mind to use upper and lower body combinations; use straight and circular moves; integrate hands with feet; blend imagination with structure; watch the opponent’s body, not his limbs or eyes; and use angles. Just a few simple things to ponder.              Peace and Blessings! GMB  …

Something You Are

Always a good reminder: Kung fu is not something to do; it is something a person is. There should be no separation. When you (a student) misses a class without due reason, it is the same as not showing up for yourself — not just missing a class! It’s more than that! Show up for class;…


“Imagination is what opens us up to the Universe — the plethora of possibilities. The intellect is like a container, holding trivia well organized as though it were important. Imagination isn’t contained, it isn’t bottled, there is no top nor bottom, nor end in sight: it is our creator within — our co-creator — the…

Train Martial Arts for Life

“The so-called ‘psychotically depressed’ person who tries to kill herself doesn’t do so out of quote ‘hopelessness’ or any abstract conviction that life’s assets and debits do not square. And surely not because death seems suddenly appealing. The person in whom Its invisible agony reaches a certain unendurable level will kill herself the same way…

Life so Short

“Life so short, the craft so long to learn.” (Hippocrates) As you age, this phrase may have more impact. It’s very difficult for younger folks to realize how precious life is and respect how rapid it passes. Time runs; perceptions change – growing more keenly focused on a “lifetime”, whatever that is or how long….

Image of Himself

“Man surrounds himself with the true image of himself. Every spirit builds itself a house and beyond its house a world, and beyond its world a heaven. Know then that the world exists for you. For you, the phenomenon is perfect. What we are, that only we can see. All that Adam had, all that…

Grandmaster Suh, Young-ik (1938-2013)

Tonight, October 30, 2013, Grandmaster Suh, my kung fu teacher and friend for over 40 years has died. His battle is over: his peace begins! Thank you all for your love and support. His passion will be carried onward: his art will not die. I have it safely in my hands and will not let…

It’s Time to Unite and Defend!

5 to 10 years old . . . innocent children . . . and the loving adults who were the guardians and teachers . . . killed. “To Protect and Serve” is the dream of our police. A lot of good hearts join various police forces to make a difference. They try hard at their…