Grandmaster Suh, Young-ik (1938-2013)

Tonight, October 30, 2013, Grandmaster Suh, my kung fu teacher and friend for over 40 years has died. His battle is over: his peace begins!

Thank you all for your love and support. His passion will be carried onward: his art will not die. I have it safely in my hands and will not let it, or him, fade. His legacy is the seed of our knowledge. And our knowledge is the beginning of the continuum – a legacy preserved through the commitment of a collective us – and our passion for what he taught.

Thank you martial arts students: thank you family and friends for your caring embraces.

out of darkness . . .
a light autumn gust
remembers me


One Response to Grandmaster Suh, Young-ik (1938-2013)
  1. Christy
    November 4, 2013 | 5:21 pm

    We are profoundly grateful for the gift he left the world and profoundly grateful we get to receive it from your hands. So sorry for your loss, sir.