Carelessness Is Rust

Carelessness is rust.

(Excerpt from Seeds of a Hermit, by Don Baird:  All Rights Reserved – Ó Copyright 1986)

I think the word and action of carelessness speaks on its own behalf.  It’s clear that if our basic behavior in managing our daily lives is careless what the result will be.  It’s not that we want or need to control every single action we take each and every day.  But, it’s equally clear that we cannot simply wake up and live a careless life.  It will “rust” the foundation of your future.

3 Responses to Carelessness Is Rust
  1. Kristen Raymond
    May 24, 2010 | 5:28 pm

    This is so true. If you wake up every day and just let life pass by you, you won’t ever have an extraordinary life. It will be mediocre…average…which is fine if that’s what you want. But if you want a life full of amazing experiences, creativity, success, and joyfulness, then you must take actions to create that life for yourself. Decide what you desire for your present and your future, and take steps to achieve it. Build your rust-free “foundation”!

  2. Adam Marshall
    June 1, 2010 | 4:57 pm

    And training is the “rough” brush that scrapes away the rust we already have; to uncover the beautiful shine and radiance that lies underneath.

  3. Master Baird
    June 12, 2010 | 3:44 pm

    Thanks for your excellent comments.