Tag Archive: Master Young Ik Suh

There is Nothing Like Playing Push-Hands for Exercise!

There is nothing like playing some push-hands to enjoy an afternoon. Josh and I frequent the game for a bit of fun and exercise. Once in a while we get a little rowdy . . . but usually we simply train to sweat a bit. This day was a rather demure day of simple exercise….

Ignore Result – Follow Process

“Ignore result,” was a common mantra of Grandmaster Suh. He constantly reminded us to to “try to hard for power,” that power will come out of excellent training following principles — that if you try for power, you will lose it. This is such an important point that I should post it every day for…

Some Interesting History

Mr. Suh’s teacher was Park, Chull-hee the man in the center of the photo below. To the right of Mr. Park is Grandmaster Kim Soo a friend and training partner of Mr. Suh back in Korea. They were part of the body guard team together. Grandmaster Kim Soo continues to teach in Texas, Chayon-ryu style…

Inch by Inch

When training a martial art, it is important to keep on mind that you are involved with an “inch by inch” endeavor — that it takes time to do something well; and, more particular, it takes time to undo what time has done! You could be 15; you could be 50: but those are not…

Something You Are

When you train kung fu/karate, you step into another world. You walk, kick, and punch through the hands and feet of the ghosts of the past — but you are actually becoming that past, now present. It is a spiritual step. It is a step of trust and ethic. It is a step of faith,…

Clarity of Mindset

There is this whimsical thought that one can mix and mash any style together through being creative and become better martial artists and fighters. This is seriously flawed thinking in my opinion. Technique represent more than just “hit him this way.” Technique, and the style it is embraced by, is not simply physical movement but,…

Something You Are

Always a good reminder: Kung fu is not something to do; it is something a person is. There should be no separation. When you (a student) misses a class without due reason, it is the same as not showing up for yourself — not just missing a class! It’s more than that! Show up for class;…

Image of Himself

“Man surrounds himself with the true image of himself. Every spirit builds itself a house and beyond its house a world, and beyond its world a heaven. Know then that the world exists for you. For you, the phenomenon is perfect. What we are, that only we can see. All that Adam had, all that…

It’s Time to Unite and Defend!

5 to 10 years old . . . innocent children . . . and the loving adults who were the guardians and teachers . . . killed. “To Protect and Serve” is the dream of our police. A lot of good hearts join various police forces to make a difference. They try hard at their…

Take That Last Step

People commonly fail when they are on the threshold of success. So, nurture the end as carefully as the beginning. …… Another excerpt from the book Seeds of a Hermit (by Don Baird). The key is to always participate in your life to the fullest. It isn’t about talking; it’s about action. It isn’t about…