Inch by Inch

Burbank Martial Arts

Master Don Baird at American School of Martial Arts

When training a martial art, it is important to keep on mind that you are involved with an “inch by inch” endeavor — that it takes time to do something well; and, more particular, it takes time to undo what time has done! You could be 15; you could be 50: but those are not just numbers, they are habits — and they do not change/adjust easily. You are what you are and, therefore, should remain patient with yourself as you train to make some changes as you groom yourself and your life through martial arts.

Kung Fu is truly an “inch by inch” process; but, so very worth it!


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2 Responses to Inch by Inch
  1. Lee Powers
    August 11, 2015 | 12:49 pm

    i have come to realize you must pursue it,it must become a habit, a daily investment, a part of your life if you really want it to have meaning for you, like you have said many times put a drop or two in the bucket every day or it evaporates

  2. Maria Baird
    August 11, 2015 | 9:54 pm

    I need to take “inch by inch” into my writing world like I do my kung fu; white to yellow…. etc. I try to rush too many things in my life, thanks for this very important reminder 🙂