The Opponent’s Physical Characteristics

The opponent’s physical characteristics

often expose…..




(Excerpt from Seeds of a Hermit, by Don Baird:  All Rights Reserved – Ó Copyright 1986)

4 Responses to The Opponent’s Physical Characteristics
  1. Adam Marshall
    June 11, 2010 | 4:59 am

    I really like this one. It’s kind of like “sizing” your opponent up. Watching how they stand, swing their arms, set of their jaw, etc….

  2. Master Baird
    June 11, 2010 | 5:04 am

    Thanks. Yes, this is one that should resonate. The implications of the thought are vast. Do they lock their legs or stand double weighted. Do they have long legs and short arms or etc.? Is the head tilted back or forward. On and on…….. lots of signs to read.

  3. Mark Blaydow
    June 13, 2010 | 2:08 am

    I like this one too. Sizing people up turns into a sort of thought experiment for me. Sometimes it’s a look in their eyes, whether dull or aware, sometimes it’s their demeanor- are they boisterous and belligerent or quiet and thoughtful, standing tall or slouched over? Do they move as if aware of their surroundings, or are they clumsy? When people turn red, it’s usually a sign of anger; when people turn white, it’s because the blood has rushed from their extremities due to the fight-or-flight mechanism. Mostly this profiling is like a little thought experiment when in public; sometimes though, it happens when a self defense situation might exist. Either way, it’s a vital skill to work on.

  4. Diana
    June 13, 2010 | 4:51 pm

    This post and the comments is very helpful to me. I’ve been looking at the dot to see moves are coming at me. But it’s more than that. Much more! Like the face color, the stances, the aura. Thank you so much for the post and comments.