Tag Archive: Grandmaster Don Baird


One of my favorite mantras — returning to it over and over: “Instead of making excuses on why you cannot do something, make excuses on how you CAN do it! Become a CAN person instead of a CANNOT person.” Your world shrinks with “I cannot. It expands with “I can.” Which kind of world do…

Training Tips

When training, keep in mind to use upper and lower body combinations; use straight and circular moves; integrate hands with feet; blend imagination with structure; watch the opponent’s body, not his limbs or eyes; and use angles. Just a few simple things to ponder.              Peace and Blessings! GMB  …

Life so Short

“Life so short, the craft so long to learn.” (Hippocrates) As you age, this phrase may have more impact. It’s very difficult for younger folks to realize how precious life is and respect how rapid it passes. Time runs; perceptions change – growing more keenly focused on a “lifetime”, whatever that is or how long….

Image of Himself

“Man surrounds himself with the true image of himself. Every spirit builds itself a house and beyond its house a world, and beyond its world a heaven. Know then that the world exists for you. For you, the phenomenon is perfect. What we are, that only we can see. All that Adam had, all that…

Take That Last Step

People commonly fail when they are on the threshold of success. So, nurture the end as carefully as the beginning. …… Another excerpt from the book Seeds of a Hermit (by Don Baird). The key is to always participate in your life to the fullest. It isn’t about talking; it’s about action. It isn’t about…

Tai Chi for Parkinsons

This is a really great article and study, as reported by ABC Network, regarding Tai Chi and Parkinsons disease. In the USA there are over 500,000 cases of Parkinsons at various levels of intensity. Take a moment and read. It’s interesting and once again, shows that studying this soft, gentle art is so beneficial to…

Grandmaster Suh, “I Just Punch Him”

One day, at a tournament in Long Beach, many years back, for some reason Grandmaster Suh got into an altercation with another Korean master. It was a very heated moment and we students didn’t quite know how far it was going to go. We were sure, from his history in Korea, that he won’t back…