Tag Archive: burbank

There Will Be No Peace Until Everyone Comprehends The Words . . .

There will be no peace until everyone truly comprehends the words “unconditional love”. These two words reveal the perfect source of understanding and patience. They are the only weapons against war. Acceptance of each other for who we are, perfect and imperfect combined, is of utmost importance. And, Instead of complaining, love more: instead of…

The Punch: The Wrist

Many students have a problem controlling the strength of their wrists.  This is not an uncommon challenge, in particular, for beginners.  It is also a continuous problem even as the student advances. The wrist, when supporting a fist, isn’t easy to control.  In fact, it is probably the most difficult area of the body to…

Personal Defense

Very often, the newer student’s abilities to defend become more limited by his/her training instead of more freeing. The techniques seem become limitations instead of expansions.  The new student can easily begin to lose sight of his/her surroundings and more focused on trying to make a particular technique work that really isn’t working out.  This…

Training At Home

[Editor’s note:  The following is yet another great guest post from Adam Marshall.  Adam is an instructor at the American School of Martial Arts in Burbank, California]. When it comes time for the student to take what they have learned in class and bring it home for their personal training, most students just draw a…


[Editors note: The following is a guest post from Adam Marshall.  Adam is an instructor at the American School of Martial Arts in Burbank, California.] Laziness- a disinclination to activity or exertion despite having the ability to do so. A wonderful word that we use for so many things.  It is the one that hits…

Martial Arts Terms

Welcome to Burbank Martial Arts (dot net): Many folks, students or not, ask me about kung fu and what it means.  They ask the same thing about Shaolin.  Then, they ask, “well, what is the term for martial arts in China”?  These are three common questions. KUNG FU Kung fu has become, these days, kind…

How Often Should I Train?

Often, I am asked “how much should I train at home”? “Should I train at home everyday or just the days I don’t attend class at the school”? “Should I train an hour or two”? “What should I train”? My suggestion is this: make as many of the scheduled classes that you can, first and…

Kung Fu: The Art Of Mastering One’s Self

‘Train only to master yourself” is our long-standing school motto. We developed it over 30 years ago from a phrase that Mr. Suh frequently used. We all come to martial arts (kung fu) for varying reasons. Some come for self -defense: others come for self-esteem, better health, greater confidence and/or to align themselves with themselves….