Sincerity is a primary ingredient that leads to greater kung fu success. However, often students who are absolutely sincere do not seem to improve. This is a matter of perception and individual differences. Improvement is difficult to notice, sometimes. And yet, there are times when one notices right away they have improved their skills, their confidence, and all.
What you see isn’t always what you get. The student is always improving if they are training sincerely — being conscientious. It just doesn’t always show up right away. We, as a specie on the planet, are in a hurry to see the bottom line. Well, that bottom line may be in the mail — but not immediate. Once again, the student (and teachers) must be patient and let nature run its course.
Keep heading toward well defined goals. Your mind will guide the body regarding how to achieve them: the mind leads; the body follows. Remain sincere in your efforts and the rest Will Be.
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This is very perfect for me right now. Thank you sir! : )