Tag Archive: Master Don Baird

There is Nothing Like Playing Push-Hands for Exercise!

There is nothing like playing some push-hands to enjoy an afternoon. Josh and I frequent the game for a bit of fun and exercise. Once in a while we get a little rowdy . . . but usually we simply train to sweat a bit. This day was a rather demure day of simple exercise….

Ignore Result – Follow Process

“Ignore result,” was a common mantra of Grandmaster Suh. He constantly reminded us to to “try to hard for power,” that power will come out of excellent training following principles — that if you try for power, you will lose it. This is such an important point that I should post it every day for…

Something You Are

When you train kung fu/karate, you step into another world. You walk, kick, and punch through the hands and feet of the ghosts of the past — but you are actually becoming that past, now present. It is a spiritual step. It is a step of trust and ethic. It is a step of faith,…

Image of Himself

“Man surrounds himself with the true image of himself. Every spirit builds itself a house and beyond its house a world, and beyond its world a heaven. Know then that the world exists for you. For you, the phenomenon is perfect. What we are, that only we can see. All that Adam had, all that…

It’s Time to Unite and Defend!

5 to 10 years old . . . innocent children . . . and the loving adults who were the guardians and teachers . . . killed. “To Protect and Serve” is the dream of our police. A lot of good hearts join various police forces to make a difference. They try hard at their…

Three Thoughts

Do not allow your mind to interfere with your actions. Do not allow your emotions to interfere with your mind. Do not allow your ego to interfere with your Soul. While I teach and have written about these concepts for many years, I believe it will be a lifetime before I can fully benefit from…


“The function of your creative force will never be better than the basics that support it.” ~ pgmb

Master Young Suh – Master Don Baird

Grandmaster Suh, back in about 1974 started asking me to lunch once in awhile. This, as you probably can tell from me even bringing it up, was a rarity. He didn’t associate with very many people. He was very much a loner except for the Korean community. I was wondering why at first. We would…

Young Ik Suh – Restaurant

Master Suh also owned (of many things) a restaurant. It was a really large place that he beautifully constructed. The indoor waterfall and koi fish exhibit was stunning. I was his general manager for about a year or so, maybe less (for all his businesses). The restaurant was interesting because I was almost always there…