Tag Archive: burbank kung fu

Ignore Result – Follow Process

“Ignore result,” was a common mantra of Grandmaster Suh. He constantly reminded us to to “try to hard for power,” that power will come out of excellent training following principles — that if you try for power, you will lose it. This is such an important point that I should post it every day for…

Just Keep Training – It Will Come: Part 2

“A response to a question on a Facebook thread. I thought I would share the info here, with you.” “It is the scholarly position that I represent. Doing what one believes is one thing; proving it through years of research is another. In that, keep in mind that techniques are not unlike suggestions. There are…

Just Keep Training – It Will Come

Food for thought. If you remain in the thought-realm of “if he does this, I do that,” you are not yet trained enough. The basics, the techniques are all representations of “theories.” These theories give birth to variations and a multitude of understanding. The multitude comes from your creative force within and adapts, assimilates in…

A Year, A Life – in Reflection

A Year, A Life – in Reflection Martial arts has a Way about them. There is a humbleness and yet a power within them. But, the power is not one that is obtained; it is a power that is gifted from years of arduous training. Train soft to become strong; train slow to become quick;…

Something You Are

When you train kung fu/karate, you step into another world. You walk, kick, and punch through the hands and feet of the ghosts of the past — but you are actually becoming that past, now present. It is a spiritual step. It is a step of trust and ethic. It is a step of faith,…

Train Martial Arts for Life

“The so-called ‘psychotically depressed’ person who tries to kill herself doesn’t do so out of quote ‘hopelessness’ or any abstract conviction that life’s assets and debits do not square. And surely not because death seems suddenly appealing. The person in whom Its invisible agony reaches a certain unendurable level will kill herself the same way…

Grandmaster Suh, Young-ik (1938-2013)

Tonight, October 30, 2013, Grandmaster Suh, my kung fu teacher and friend for over 40 years has died. His battle is over: his peace begins! Thank you all for your love and support. His passion will be carried onward: his art will not die. I have it safely in my hands and will not let…

“Spiritual Shout” – Martial Arts Burbank

It’s not often that I would see Grandmaster Suh angry or upset. But, once-in-awhile, it happened. And, when it did, it was best to “stay back, completely out of the way and not within reach”. That means in English, “it’s better to go home!” 🙂 One day in the parking lot of Mr Suh’s restaurant,…