Exercising With Cancer – Staying Safe While Staying Fit

Welcome to our guest article by David Haas. We enjoy having guest authors from time to time; David has offered this wonderful article encouraging cancer patients to exercise (as best they can under Doctor’s guidance). Please note: obtain your Doctor’s guidance and approval before engaging in any exercise. It’s the smart thing to do. Once you have your Doctor’s approval, you’re on your way.


For those coping with cancer, exercise can be a powerful tool towards feeling better. Working out can relieve stress and depression, boost the immune system, alleviate symptoms of cancer, and ease any side effects of treatment. Cancer and fitness experts stress that exercise during cancer and its treatment requires special precautions and safety considerations.

A regular fitness program that includes strength, flexibility, and aerobic exercise is as appropriate for cancer patients as it is for the general public. The kind and duration of exercise depends on how a patient is feeling and what stress the treatments may be placing on the body at a particular time. When exercising during cancer, be aware of how your body feels and pay attention to its signals.

For many people dealing with cancer, whether mesothelioma or melanoma, fatigue is a constant companion. A short walk or gentle stretching can still benefit the body by the possibility of reducing side effects, elevating the mood, and reducing stress. More vigorous exercise may offer even greater benefits. But again, cautions apply.

Many cancer patients are at increased risk for infection because of their weakened conditions. Small cuts may cause excessive bleeding and bruises may not heal quickly. Other exercise-related considerations include balance and coordination. Some treatments leave bones fragile and brittle or cause muscle weakness while others cause side effects such as vomiting and diarrhea, which contribute to dehydration. While these conditions can affect anyone, those dealing with cancer should take extra caution.

Using safety equipment may be important, even if you never used it before. Helmets and other protective gear can protect against bleeding or skin trauma. If balance and coordination are compromised, use balance assists like walking poles and avoid uneven surfaces or activities that might cause dizziness. Some cancers can dehydrate the body, so it’s especially important to get enough fluids to maintain healthy levels of vitamins and minerals.

Medications can affect the heart rate, causing fluctuations in blood pressure. Patients who exercise must watch for signs, such as vertigo, nausea, and shortness of breath, especially during strength training workouts. Also, recovery time after exercise may be longer, depending on soreness and stiffness.

Even though exercising with cancer requires special awareness and considerations, the benefits can be great. Improved immune function, a better body image, and reduced stress can help improve a cancer patient’s quality of life as well as their response to treatment. Experts from the National Cancer list the keys to exercising successfully during cancer treatment, which includes planning any exercise regimen with your doctor.

David Haas
Feelance Writer

One Response to Exercising With Cancer – Staying Safe While Staying Fit
  1. Rodrigo
    June 10, 2012 | 1:02 pm

    Wow this is a great article and just what i need to read too. Thank you very much for writing this article David.