Chi Kung (Qi Gong) for a Healthier Life

In traditional Chinese medicine the following 7 emotional factors are considered the most likely causes of cancer: joy, anger, melancholy, mental activity (excessive), grief, fright, and fear – important influences on health. These factors generally fall within the normal psychological reactions of the human being. They are a major part of the internal/external being. They first affect the brain; then, they affect the visceral.*

The Yellow Emperor’s classic says this:

“Excessive anger injures the liver; excessive joy injures the heart; excessive mental activity injures the spleen; excessive melancholy injures the lung; fright and fear injure the kidney.”

“Excessive” is the key word. I suppose, anything in excess can be damaging. Look at repetitive motion in regards to muscles, ligaments and joints! Look at the trouble folks have with their wrists and hands via repetitive motion activities.

Relaxation, once again, becomes the answer. Relaxation, possibly the greatest exlir of all can lower and even eliminate the harmful effects of excessive emotional activity (stimulation) and return the person back to the “center” – the center of being, the center of health and the center (stability) of emotion and mental life.

Achieving an “inner quiet” helps one’s health immensely. It relaxes/regulates cerebral activity and therefore, beneficially affects the viscera. Overall, the pathological state of the body is returned to a healthy one.

Inhaling is one side of the Chi Kung activity. It is the exciting side (to the body) (parasympathetic). Exhalation is the other side which relaxes and slows the body, lowering heart rate and blood pressure (sympathetic). Exhalation combined with the intention to relax beneficially affects the autonomic nervous system.

When you train your chi kung breathing exercises, it is important to breathe in slightly quicker and then take a very relaxing long time to exhale. The exercise will be uneven in terms of breath lengths. Short breath in; long breath out.

Following a chi kung workout, just sit for awhile and be still (in a comfortable way). Think nothing, do nothing.

Improper tension includes but is not limited to: improper posture; over-serious attitude; improper breathing; or being over-anxious in the exercise itself.

Proper self-positioning would include: proper posture; light and happy attitude (eliminating the “dark side”); proper breathing; and, relaxing your attitude, body, face, arms, hands and etc. during the exercise.

* Qi Gong Therapy, Tzu Kuo Shih, 1994

6 Responses to Chi Kung (Qi Gong) for a Healthier Life
  1. Dana Reynolds
    February 15, 2012 | 2:25 pm

    Thank you for this great blog! I remember taking my first seminar with you on chi-kung within my first year of training. One of the most beneficial things I learned and carry with me to this day is the idea of remembering the relaxed feeling you get when doing something like chi-kung breathing, and intending for that to be the “norm” throughout every day. Looking back at the worry and non-stop chatter I’d had ongoing in my mind about 8 years ago, this one idea has helped me calm my mind significantly, and I therefore feel better mentally, physically and spiritually. I still have a ways to go, but it’s a great start! Thank you so much!

  2. Grandmaster Baird
    February 15, 2012 | 3:00 pm

    A great comment, Dana. Thanks!


  3. D2
    February 15, 2012 | 3:28 pm

    This is great, thank you! Didn’t consider being too serious. Will train harder, well in this case relax more.

  4. Grandmaster Baird
    February 15, 2012 | 8:10 pm

    Hi D2! Thanks for coming by and commenting! Yes! We always have to train harder even if it means to relax more!

    Interesting, isn’t? 🙂


  5. Grandmaster Baird
    February 17, 2012 | 9:18 am

    Thanks Andrew! Chi Kung is one of my favorite practices! It’s so rich and invigorating!

  6. Rodrigo
    February 20, 2012 | 11:23 am

    I’ve been getting into chi kung more so the blog really helps out thank you for posting this.