“Spiritual Shout” – Martial Arts Burbank

It’s not often that I would see Grandmaster Suh angry or upset. But, once-in-awhile, it happened. And, when it did, it was best to “stay back, completely out of the way and not within reach”. That means in English, “it’s better to go home!” 🙂

One day in the parking lot of Mr Suh’s restaurant, he got into a disagreement with a plumber who was rebuilding the plumbing (and a lousy job of it). The plumber didn’t really know Mr. Suh and was coming off kind of rude. Mr. Suh tolerated it for awhile but then I could see him getting a little bit “interested”. I backed away, just a little.

Finally, the plumber stepped forward and raised his voice to Master Suh. It was a really dumb thing to do. Mr. Suh immediately gave him a “spiritual shout”! BAM! The plumber, without being touched by Mr Suh at all, dropped to the ground about four feet back. I was shocked; but, not as much as the plumber.

I looked at Mr Suh and then to the plumber. Mr Suh had the look like “you’re lucky I didn’t chop you” and the plumber was speechless! Eventually the plumber got up on his feet (a bit wobbly though) and suddenly started being very nice to Mr. Suh. In the end, everything was fine and the plumbing job was done properly this time.

Mr. Suh and I went for some sushi and sake. My “lunch lesson” was very interesting that day”.

10 Responses to “Spiritual Shout” – Martial Arts Burbank
  1. Gar bear
    December 21, 2010 | 4:15 pm

    whooo man I don’t know if I will ever comprehend that power unless I was in the plumber’s shoes. Its truly awesome to hear the amazing potential we have within us, thank you PGMB for telling these stories.


  2. Grandmaster Baird
    December 21, 2010 | 4:21 pm

    It’s a startling thing to hear. But, it’s also quite cool … 😉


  3. Mick
    December 22, 2010 | 2:32 am

    Now I’m curious as to what a spiritual shout actually sounds like if it’s able to knock some one off their feet!

  4. Grandmaster Baird
    December 22, 2010 | 1:03 pm

    Hey Mick … I can always introduce you to it! 😉 pgmb…


  5. Mick
    December 22, 2010 | 9:00 pm

    I’m not gonna lie that would be really really cool to experience first hand!

  6. Grandmaster Baird
    December 23, 2010 | 12:19 am

    Hey Mick… we might have to try it! ha!


  7. Red
    January 3, 2011 | 3:53 pm

    Yes, I would also like to try it! So when is the Spirtual Shout Ceminar? hint-hint….

  8. Grandmaster Baird
    January 3, 2011 | 4:01 pm

    LOL … one day …


  9. Maria Baird
    January 9, 2011 | 8:57 pm

    Well, I can say I was at the other end of a Spiritual Shout before and….well…. I can’t believe I am actually still here. Really, it’s so weird how powerful it is, it hits you at the core of your being. You must remember I was at the end of one that was not intended for self defense. Still it left me standing in my tracks not being able to move…..literally! I could not budge! It was all very strange. On top of it, that night I got very sick as well as the person who was with me.
    It’s very odd to say this but I am glad I got to feel it! GMM

  10. Joshua Liberman
    March 8, 2011 | 1:19 pm

    Hmmmm….Spiritual Shout Seminar?!? OH…I’d LOVE that!!!

    Thank you for sharing the story. You’ve once again given us something to contemplate!!! :^)